Tenants are required by your Lease to know the location and operation of the main water and gas shut-off valves and all electric breakers located inside your dwelling unit. Additionally, Tenants are responsible to know how to switch the gas, water main, and hose spigot valves and breakers off inside their unit, if needed, to prevent any potential damage to the property. Tenants are also responsible to know how to reset GFCI, ARC-FAULT, and breakers safely. Each Fall, prior to October 31, Tenant shall be responsible for shutting off hose spigot valves for their unit. If you do not know the location and use of these shut-offs, contact RPMV and we will locate them for you and train you on their use.


United States flags are allowed outside but must be flown in accordance with Title 4 of the United States Code. No other flags or signs are allowed to be flown or displayed outside or in a window. All window coverings shall be consistent with the characteristics of the Premises (in the sole discretion of Landlord), and no sheets, paper, or other materials be used to cover windows other than those designed as window coverings. Blinds may be present on the windows when you take possession, however, they are limited in their useful life and if they fail or are damaged at any time, they may not be repaired or replaced by the Landlord. Tenant may use existing wall brackets for window coverings, but not add new brackets, except for KwickHang brackets as described herein (See Kwik Hang video )


Except for the evening before the collection day and until collection, all garbage, organic waste, and recycling material, carts, and/or containers shall be kept inside the garage or in the designated location determined by the Landlord. Tenant shall understand and obey all rules of the City or trash hauler and shall pay any fines related to non-compliance. Tenants shall place all trash and recycling materials in the designated containers.


Attic spaces are not living spaces and therefore, Tenant is not allowed to enter the attic. If Tenant enters or uses the attic space, Tenant will be responsible for any damage caused by such use. Attic floors are not structurally designed to carry the weight of a normal floor.


Other than planters Tenant shall keep all toys, bikes, trikes, wagons, debris, decorations, equipment, household furniture and other items out of site from the street when not in active use. The yard as seen by the street, shall be kept neat and tidy. Tenant shall only store their personal belongings in their unit or in approved storage spaces. If any items are left unattended in the yard (including items left by the curb for “free” disposal), exterior common areas or interior common areas, Landlord will dispose of them with no renumeration to Tenant and reserves the right to charge the Tenant for such disposal. Any city ordinance violation will be charged to Tenant. Tenant shall not use any common area interior or exterior for any use other than those specified herein without the written approval of the Landlord. Congregating, loitering, horn honking, or playing music in the interior or exterior common areas is prohibited. No loud or profane language shall be used in any common area.


Trampolines or similar equipment; swimming pools or hot tubs/spas; tree houses/forts/deer stands or similar structures; and zip-lines or similar devices are not allowed to be added to the property without specific written permission by the Landlord and additional insurance requirements will be imposed on the Tenant. Fire-pits, if allowed by the Landlord as specified in writing, city and/or the Owners Association as well as grills or smokers shall be at least ten feet (10’) from any structure. No grills, smokers, firepits or anything combustible designed for outdoor use shall be used inside the house, sheds, or garage or on any wooden or composite deck or structure.


Vehicles located on the Premises must be owned by Tenant or its guests or invitees, currently registered, operational, and properly parked according to these Rules and any regulation or local and state laws. Any vehicles kept overnight that is not listed in the Lease, are not allowed unless approved in advance by RPMV. No trailers, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, or boats are allowed on or about the Premises (unless contained inside the garage if a garage is part of the leased Premises) without Landlord’s prior written approval (in its sole discretion). Tenant shall provide proof of ownership and functionality if requested by Landlord. If Landlord is responsible for snow removal and the property is a multifamily building or HOA community, Tenant shall remove their vehicles from the parking and drive areas so the contractor can plow. If Tenant vehicle prevents the plow contractor from removing the snow, Tenant shall be responsible for snow removal within 48 hours of the end of the snow event.

  • DO NOT drive, park or clean vehicles or trailers on grass.
  • Major vehicle repair is not allowed in the garage, driveway or on the street in front of the Premises.
  • No inoperative vehicles shall be kept on the premises without written permission of Landlord.

Lights are to be hung properly and carefully checked for safety. If hooks or attachments are installed, they must be approved by RPMV prior to installation and removed prior to lease termination. Lights and decorations must be removed by March 30 of the following year or earlier if required by the Owner’s Association. Remove and dispose of Christmas trees in accordance with Owners Association’s and local ordinances.


Tenant shall not generate any noise above 85dB from 7:00am to 10:00pm or 60 dB after 10:00 until 7:00am unless otherwise allowed by local ordinances. Tenant shall not allow any odors to migrate from their dwelling unit into the common areas or neighboring dwelling units at any time.


Tenants shall not possess, store, or otherwise use any keg, barrel, party ball, vat, and/or any large receptacle that holds more than one gallon of any beverage containing alcohol on the Premises. Tenant shall not manufacture, sell, or distribute alcoholic beverages to minors on the Premises.


Some Landlords do not allow animals of any kind (with the exception of assistance animals); contact RPMV before you allow any animal or pet onto the property. Failure to do so may be a violation of your Lease. If the Landlord allows animals, only approved animals shall be allowed, and photos of such animals must be attached to your Lease. An Animal Addendum and additional cost and deposits are required as part of your Lease if animals are allowed.

  • We have restrictions on number, size and type of animals.
  • No animals may be kept on the property even temporarily without management’s written authorization or a reasonable accommodation. Please inform your guests that this rule also applies when they visit you. Animal owners/caretakers are responsible for any damage caused by animals and for disposing of their waste in a proper and sanitary method.
  • Any unauthorized animal found on a property can result in eviction and/or an initial $500.00 and a $50.00 per day charge per animal. Review your Lease for a definition of “animal.”
  • Odors present at the Lease End Date will be deodorized at Tenant(s) expense, including but not limited to ozone treatments, painting, window washing, cleaning, and carpet replacement.
  • If Landlord is responsible for paying for Electricity, under no circumstances shall Tenant perform any crypto mining or any other activity that uses electricity in excess of that of a typical household for typical household activities. Any increases in usage due to any money making or gaming activities such cost shall be borne by the tenant.
  • If Landlord is responsible for paying for Gas, tenant shall not open windows or doors to regulate heat in the unit. If the heat is not regulated to the set-point, Tenant shall report the malfunction to the Landlord immediately. If open windows/doors are discovered during the heating season, Tenant shall be charged for the excess gas bill for that month.
  • Tenant shall be responsible for reporting any excess usage of water, including but not limited to running toilets, leaking faucets, whether Tenant is responsible for the water cost or not, to the Landlord immediately. Including reporting any water ponding in yard or malfunctioning lawn irrigation systems when present. Failure to monitor and report excess water usage in any case shall be cause for Tenant to pay for the excess cost.
  • Unless otherwise provided for by the Landlord, if the Premises is a single family property and equipped with a pool or spa/hot-tub, Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of water to fill and maintain proper water levels; and the cost of gas, propane, or electricity to operate.

Screens, windows, or doors shall not be removed from any structure except for an emergency. Packages or any other item may not be passed through any window. Tenants will be provided with at least one key (or access code) for access to their dwelling unit and storage space. At no time shall Tenant change the locks or alter the keying or coding of such locks, add or alter any security systems, doorbells, common area cameras, or any fencing or gates anywhere on the Premises without prior written permission of the Landlord. Tenant shall never prop open any common area door or window. Never allow anyone to follow you into the building. Never provide your code or key to anyone.

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